
Hi. My name is Ken. I'm a member of SCBWI. I'm your tour guide into Brianwoods, a blog dedicated to my children's writing endeavors. Thanks for stopping by.

Just for a minute, close your eyes and imagine you're walking along a forest trail. Listen to the forest animals, as they call out to greet you. Welcome to Brianwoods!

This blog includes some of my other writing and details on my published materials.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Susanna Leonard Hill's Halloweensie Writing Contest

It's that time of year again to enter Susanna's Halloweensie writing contest. I have been working on several stories to enter this year. Each entry has to be 100 words or less and include the words cobweb, trick and potion. You can also use other forms of these three words too. It's an interesting and challenging thing to write a story using such a small amount of words. Here are my two entries so far. I will most likely change things a bit before midnight on October 31st. Good luck to all those entering.


                                                                                 Word Count: 100                    


By Ken Major

“I found this mummy at a tag sale,” said Mom.

“It looks real,” said Max.

Max cleaned cobwebs off it, found a button labeled

“magic potion” and pushed it.

Liquid dripped down the mummy onto the porch.

Max’s friends came over for trick or treating.

A strange kid joined in.

Later on Max saw his sister trick or treating.

“Our mummy’s missing,” said Sarah.

“Where’s the strange kid in the mummy costume?’ asked


Sarah and Max walked home together.

“The mummy’s back on the porch,” said Sarah.

“Someone left candy near it too.”

“Want some candy?” moaned the mummy.

                                                                        Word Count: 100


By Ken Major

Guess what? Spiders like Halloween too!

I used cobwebs to reach Jordan’s candy bucket.

I hid in there because you can’t beat free rides and candy.

The trick was to beat Jordan to our favorite candy, chocolate.
Houses 1-4 didn’t give out chocolate.

Houses 5 and 6 did, but Jordan ate it.

House 7 gave out apples.

House 8 gave out sodas marked “Potion”.

House 9 gave out chocolate-less cupcakes.

House 10 came through with chocolate-covered pretzels.

Long before we reached House 20, I fell asleep, totally full.

I woke up back home surrounded by chocolate candies. What a night! 

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The 21st Annual New York SCBWI Winter Conference-February 7-9, 2020


I just registered for the 21st Annual New York SCBWI Winter Conference. The schedule looks great. I can't wait to attend. I plan to attend sessions that focus on picture books. I have signed up to attend sessions with Lesa Cline, Connie Hsu, Alexandra Penfold, Ann Whitford Paul, Jane Yolen and Heidi Y. Stemple.
