After a short break from entering Susanna's holiday contests, I'm back to participating. As usual for this Valentine's Day Contest, entrants must enter a story of 214 or less words between February 12th at 12:01 am and 11:59 pm, February 14th, all EST. The judging criteria includes things like kid-friendly, creativity showing enthusiasm, be about Valentine's Day, have at least a basic story arc, be good quality writing, have originality, and, of course, follow the guidelines. The prizes look really good too, with authors agreeing to do Zoom chats, critiques and give books out to winners.
My entry this year has a family touch to it. I intend to place an audio file of me reading my entry so that anyone can listen, rather than read it.
Good luck to all entrants and a big thank you to Susanna and all her helpers!