
Hi. My name is Ken. I'm a member of SCBWI. I'm your tour guide into Brianwoods, a blog dedicated to my children's writing endeavors. Thanks for stopping by.

Just for a minute, close your eyes and imagine you're walking along a forest trail. Listen to the forest animals, as they call out to greet you. Welcome to Brianwoods!

This blog includes some of my other writing and details on my published materials.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Odd Animal Friends" Published in Ladybug Magazine's November/December 2010 Issue

I'm excited to announce the news that my poem entitled "Odd Animal Friends" has just been published in Ladybug Magazine, a publication by Carus Publishing.  The poem is broken into five stanzas, which feature various mismatched animals doing things together. I encourage everyone to check out Ladybug Magazine and the other excellent publications by this wonderful children's publisher. Their website is

Ken Major


  1. I loved illustrating your poem for Ladybug. It was so whimsical and fun!
    Best of luck in your writing ventures.

  2. Michele,

    Thanks for your words and for stopping by. You did a great job on the illustrations! I'd love to work with you again. Wouldn't it be great to talk about the poetry beforehand too? I imagine it could help the process. Just a thought.

  3. Congratulations on the poem. Carrus publications are a great credit to have on your writing resume.

  4. Shannon,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm impressed with your publishing credentials.

    I've tried to get published in Highlights, but it's been hard. I've even entered their fiction contest every year since 2005.
