"Karl, do you think we'll be able to keep Somerset safe until she gets bigger? And do
you think the others will treat us differently when they discover our secret?" asked Kellie.
"We'll be able to protect her. But I'm not sure how the other kangaroos will
react to our secret."
"Why did I have to be born this way?" wondered Kellie.
" I don't know, Kellie. But Somerset is small. She'll be able to climb around and stay
inside your pouch with a little help from us. I also have an idea how we can keep her
safe. We can put a flat piece of eucalyptus in your upside down pouch and wedge it in
place. As Somerset grows, we can put in smaller and smaller pieces," suggested Karl.
"I don't know if I want a piece of wood put in my pouch. Besides, it's probably just
going to fall out once I start hopping around," said Kellie.
"Not if we put some sticky sap from that tree on the edges," stated Karl.
"And how am I suppose to get the wood off my hair after it's stuck to it? I think
it's really going to hurt when we try to pull it off," replied Kellie.
Just after she said it, Kellie started to feel bad. She needed to do whatever possible
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