
Hi. My name is Ken. I'm a member of SCBWI. I'm your tour guide into Brianwoods, a blog dedicated to my children's writing endeavors. Thanks for stopping by.

Just for a minute, close your eyes and imagine you're walking along a forest trail. Listen to the forest animals, as they call out to greet you. Welcome to Brianwoods!

This blog includes some of my other writing and details on my published materials.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Susanna Leonard Hill's 2021 Halloweensie Contest

This is my entry for this year's contest. I created a riddle in a story for my entry. The two things each reader needs to figure out are 1) What is Hank, an animal or a human? (easy) and 2) What was Hank's costume? (harder) I hope you enjoy my rhyming story!

                                                                                                      Word Count: 100 




        By Ken Major


Hank’s costume was bright

On Halloween night.

It glowed in the dark

And blinked with each bark.

Equipped with two wings

And hidden round things,

He traveled with speed

On sugary feed.

His tail was unique

And looked oh so sleek.

The costume below

Had places to stow

More goodies for fuel

And drinks to stay cool.

When strangers came near

Goosebumps would appear,

All over their skin

From shin to their chin.

Hank ended his night

With one unkind fright.

He spooked a black cat

Who’s name was Sedat.

A WOOF and a YAP,

Then Hank took a nap.








Sunday, July 18, 2021

Saying Good-bye to Calvin





Back in 2010 or so when I started this blog, my family welcomed a new member, Calvin, a energetic yellow Labrador retriever. He was such a friendly, loving dog and provided us with many great memories. We said goodbye to him yesterday after eleven years.

He was a inspiration to my writing and would sit under the computer desk by my feet while I worked creating new stories and editing older ones. I even included him in some of these stories too.

In addition to running, writing has been therapeutic for me and this is one of those times when I find I need it. Maybe it's because we got him at such a young age and he was such a great dog that I find myself hurting so bad. All the things that remind me of him seem to be staring at me almost all the time when I'm home.

Calvin loved his special pillow that we saved from an old couch we replaced. He also loved his piece of garden hose that he would carry around with him outside. He was a big fan of doggy snacks and we tended to spoil him. I miss him so much.  I hope they have doggy snacks, pillows and water hoses in heaven.


Saturday, April 3, 2021

# 50 Precious Words Contest Run by Vivian Kirkfield and Haunted States Contest

After years of entering children's writing contests, I finally placed in one! Yes, I placed 35th in the # 50 Precious Words Contest. Prizes will be awarded to the best 51 entries. The prizes look awesome, which include professional critiques from editors, agents or published writers, spots in a number of children's writing classes or seminars, Zoom sessions with writing professionals and author-signed books. I won't know what my prize will be until they distribute the first 34 prizes. I'm hoping for a critique from an editor or an agent.

On another writing matter, my NF story about the Mark Twain House Haunting, which I wrote for the Haunted States Writing Contest run by SCBWI (rejected by the judges back in January), was published this week in Paranormal Underground Magazine. I actually got paid for it and will receive copies of the magazine too.


Tuesday, February 2, 2021





I had the pleasure of participating in this year's Storystorm. I was able to generate 32 story ideas with the help of all those great author posts that Tara lined up. I have been drawing on previous Storystorm lists for quite a while now. I was even able to mash up two ideas, one from 2017 and the other from 2019! I hope everyone had a great time. Now all participants that met the challenge requirements get to play the waiting game to see if they will win one of my many prizes offered. I commented once on all posts so I should be in the running for all the prizes. My fingers are crossed. Good luck to all and many thanks to Tara and all the guest hosts that wrote inspirational posts for the month, including my former critique partner, Margaret Chiu Greanias!


Monday, January 18, 2021

Welcoming Another Two New Members to WFK

I'd like to welcome two new members to Writers For Kids, an online picture book critique group I started back in 2013. With some recent changeover, two spots opened up and we are pleased to welcome Kimberly and Sophie to our small group.

Kimberly is a writer from Malaysia. She has a legal background and worked as a media lawyer. In the past, she has entered international writing and poetry contests and gained some recognition. She now does freelance content writing for local publications and other organizations. She co-authored a picture book expected to be published in 2021. This picture book is related to a Malaysian parenting website she writes for.

Sophie is an artist from Ohio that used to write a regular column in It's A Rat's World magazine and was a staff comic artist with the University of Hawaii at Manoa student newspaper, Ka Leo. She has  written and illustrated some draft picture books. She has been a member of several writing groups in the past, but this is her first group specifically aimed at children's book writing. 

Both Kimberly and Sophie bring some unique skills to the group. We look forward to working with them.

P.S. It has come to my attention that Kimberly has been signed by a agent. Congratulations!

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Tara Lazar's 2021 Storystorm Event-January 1-31



I signed up to participate in the 2021 Storystorm event several days ago. I'm in the process of catching up since I was a bit late starting. This event tasks you with coming up with one story idea for each day in January. There are prizes you can win by commenting once on each daily post from guest writers.

I have yet to win a prize, but I'm going to continue to participate because it really nudges you to come up with ideas. Each idea isn't necessarily going to be great, but the process is great for the creative mind. Maybe this will be my year to win a prize.

Registration just ended about 30 minutes ago. Good luck to all participants!

