
Hi. My name is Ken. I'm a member of SCBWI. I'm your tour guide into Brianwoods, a blog dedicated to my children's writing endeavors. Thanks for stopping by.

Just for a minute, close your eyes and imagine you're walking along a forest trail. Listen to the forest animals, as they call out to greet you. Welcome to Brianwoods!

This blog includes some of my other writing and details on my published materials.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


I recently purchased a large whiteboard to help with my writing. The first thing I used the board for was a picture book manuscript I wrote as part of last year's PiBoIdMo. I enjoyed the process of drafting a 32 page dummy for this story. I found it most helpful in editing the manuscript. As stated in Ann Whitford Paul's "Writing Picture Books", I was able to see some of the weaknesses in my manuscript and come up with changes that seemed to flow better. This is only the second time I have tried something like this, but it was well worth it.

I took a picture of a portion of it to illustrate the result. I plan on doing this a lot more.


Thursday, October 2, 2014

What if...?

What if ... I was to stop writing all together. Would anyone notice?

What if of my manuscripts actually got bought my a major publisher. Would it change who I am?

What if ...all members of my online critique group got a picture book manuscript published. Would it change us?

What if ... one of my critique group members won a writing contest like Highlights for Children. Would that person leave the group or would jealousy creep into the our discussions?

What if ... I dedicated myself to writing each and every day, even if it's only a few paragraphs long. Would writing become easier for me?

What if loaded with all types of  possibilities so why don't you try them.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Highlights for Children Fiction Contest 2014

Well, it's that time of year to put together a fictional story to enter Highlights for Children's fiction contest. The actual deadline is January 31, 2014. This year's theme, holiday stories, is similar to the 2006 category, the true spirit of holiday celebrations. I spent time reading a number of Highlights issues to get a renewed sense of what they publish and to find some of the previous contest winning stories. With no entry fee and good themes, this is one of the best and most competitive contests I've ever entered. Good luck to all those writers that enter this year! No matter the outcome, I've generated another story to add to my growing portfolio of manuscripts. Happy Writing! Ken

Sunday, January 5, 2014

My New Friend, Albert

I recently wrote a picture book manuscript as part of PiBoIdMo, which has a monkey for a main character. Doesn't that sound familiar? No, this isn't Curious George pretending to be a monkey named Albert. This monkey's name is REALLY Albert. I'm not going to reveal any of the story, but I drafted the above and below rough sketches while writing the manuscript.