
Hi. My name is Ken. I'm a member of SCBWI. I'm your tour guide into Brianwoods, a blog dedicated to my children's writing endeavors. Thanks for stopping by.

Just for a minute, close your eyes and imagine you're walking along a forest trail. Listen to the forest animals, as they call out to greet you. Welcome to Brianwoods!

This blog includes some of my other writing and details on my published materials.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Susanna Leonard Hill's 2021 Halloweensie Contest

This is my entry for this year's contest. I created a riddle in a story for my entry. The two things each reader needs to figure out are 1) What is Hank, an animal or a human? (easy) and 2) What was Hank's costume? (harder) I hope you enjoy my rhyming story!

                                                                                                      Word Count: 100 




        By Ken Major


Hank’s costume was bright

On Halloween night.

It glowed in the dark

And blinked with each bark.

Equipped with two wings

And hidden round things,

He traveled with speed

On sugary feed.

His tail was unique

And looked oh so sleek.

The costume below

Had places to stow

More goodies for fuel

And drinks to stay cool.

When strangers came near

Goosebumps would appear,

All over their skin

From shin to their chin.

Hank ended his night

With one unkind fright.

He spooked a black cat

Who’s name was Sedat.

A WOOF and a YAP,

Then Hank took a nap.